Arsip Blog

Senin, 24 Januari 2011

Amazing Ultimate Awesome Futuristic Home Technology

Amazing Ultimate Gamers

Amazing Ultimate Gamers

It all started with a stick that used to controll something called remote control. A vast majority of home electronics today require the use of remote controls, devices which have grown increasingly advanced and powerful since their invention in the late ’70s. It’s nothing new that televisions, stereos and DVD players, and games are feature remotes as an essential component, but in the last five years, it’s gaming systems that have turned remote control into an art form.

The first official first-party wireless game controller in the world of gaming was the WaveBird controller for the Nintendo Gamecube, released in 2002. The WaveBird’s advances have had a lasting impact; in the current generation of gaming systems (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii, primarily) wireless controls are the industry in nowadays gaming standard.
(By: D.J Adriane)
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